March 15, 2020

Covid-19 has stressed all businesses, world wide. After a few days of “oh shit” as I watched my booked events cancel one after another, I made up my mind to use this time for something good: making fresh-prepared, nutrient-dense, nourishing meals and delivering to home-bound seniors who are not able/fearful of leaving their homes in order to avoid getting ill. I am sourcing as many donations of fresh produce and meats from area restaurants that are having to temporarily close - to put good food to good use! These meals are free to home bound seniors living in Pike Place Market and downtown. All of the food is donated (except for pantry goods and delivery containers) and my time is donated. I’m utilizing my staff to make deliveries and will pay them their hourly wage in hopes of off-setting their financial hardships.

Ways you can help: Make a donation via the link below to Nourished Neighborhood or to Kindness in the Kitchen, our pay it forward breakfast. Buy a gift certificate for a cooking class after the madness passes (we could do a “What I Learned Teaching Myself to Cook During the Quarantine!” class and have a competition!) Or, if you have a restaurant and have to close for a short time, let us know if you have perishable food we can put into service!

I am forever grateful to Michela at Pasta Casalinga for being the first to donate without hesitation, to Mike at Sosio’s Produce for offering up any veggies we need, to my guys at Pike Place Fish Market for their donation of Wild Alaskan Pollock, for a bread donation from Made in Washington. And more donations are coming…

Thank you, stay well, stay kind, and be a force of love during this time.


Chef Traci

Traci Calderon